All school volunteers must have a current Working with Children Check. This means you must have a WWC to assist in classrooms and school activities like excursions, camps and special events (ie athletics, swimming).
All volunteers must present their WWC Card to the Office. If the card has not yet been issued, the stamped application form from the Post Office must be presented until the card arrives.
Office staff photocopies WWC Card for every volunteer and keeps it on file in the office.
A list of registered volunteers is created and updated by the office staff. A copy of the register is kept in the office.
Teachers are responsible for checking the register for the volunteers in their classrooms. Only people on the register can be invited into the classroom, excursions and special events.
When in the school, all volunteers must comply with the ASPS Visitors Policy.
Expiry dates for all WWC Cards should be checked at the beginning of each school year by the volunteer and the school office staff.
To apply for a Working with Children Check, please follow the directions below.
Visit the Working with Children check and read the information provided.
Don’t forget to apply as a volunteer to avoid any fees.
When you come to the section, "Organisation Details" you need to provide the following information:
Name: Ardeer South Primary School Address: 59-75 Murray StreetSuburb: Sunshine West State: VicPostcode: 3020Phone: 03 9363 2768Code Number: 52 Volunteer
Print off your ‘Working with Children Check – Volunteer Application Summary’ and ‘Your Volunteer Application Summary Receipt’ and take to any Australia Post Office with 100 points of identification and a passport sized photo of yourself. View 'Proof of identification requirements'.
Once you have all the documentation required Australia Post will receipt ‘Your Volunteer Application Summary Report’.
When your card arrives, please bring it to the office to copy.